SERVICES / Cyber Security Services

Management Services

Our service gives you the ability to continuously identify threats and monitor unexpected changes in your network before they turn into breaches is common practice

Risks Without Vulnerability Management Program

What are the risks of not having a vulnerability management program?

With the complexity of today’s network infrastructure, it’s common to have forgotten assets still accessible on the network. It’s important to gain visibility into what kinds of devices and assets you have, and what their vulnerability status is. Over 70% of the highly publicized breaches this year were caused by failures in vulnerability management programs. Attacks resulting in data loss are usually performed by exploiting known and documented security vulnerabilities in software, network infrastructure, servers, workstations, etc.

Why Outsource Vulnerability Management?

Discovering where you’re most vulnerable is a security priority and likely already part of your overall program. The ability to continuously identify threats and monitor unexpected changes in your network before they turn into breaches is common practice. Compliance drivers also necessitate vulnerability scanning on a regular basis. For these reasons, you should invest in a vulnerability scanning solution that gives you immediate, global visibility into your assets and vulnerabilities. However, deploying the scanner rather than being physical or virtualized may be a challenge in and of itself. Scheduling scans properly based on a set of proven processes requires a depth of expertise and experience you may not have available.

Service Capabilities

ZettaOnline provides technology and services to help you manage the risks that unknown or unmitigated vulnerabilities pose to your business
We offer a comprehensive service that is used to identify, manage and provide a prioritized plan to remediate discovered vulnerabilities

Three Benefits



Our security experts will provide a report outlining vulnerabilities along with priorities of what to remediate first based on true exposure ultimately reducing risk to your organization.



Add customer profile and critical asset context along with human and automated based intelligence to vulnerability reporting.



Identify assets & exposure through scanning across your environment regardless of location.

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