SERVICES / Cyber Security Services

Cyber Security Testing Services

Penetration Testing (Web Application, External, Internal), Purple Team Assessment and
Application Security testing (SAST, DAST, IAST, Threat Modelling)

Penetration Testing

Want to determine how vulnerable critical assets are to cyber attacks?

No organization wants their name in the next headline which is why organizations are continuously assessing enterprise exposure to threats and vulnerabilities.

ZettaOnlineā€™s penetration testing services help organizations determine if a cyber attacker can gain access to their critical assets while giving them detailed insights of the overall business impact of a cyber attack.

Three Benefits


Uncover hidden security risks and prioritizing the highest risk vulnerabilities


Understand the impact of a cyber attack and attain comprehensive recommendations


Mitigate vulnerabilities before a cyber attacker exploits them

Purple Team Assessment

Want to enhance your existing defense and response capabilities and evaluate how effectively they work together?

No organization wants their name in the next headline which is why organizations are continuously assessing enterprise exposure to threats and vulnerabilities.

ZettaOnlineā€™s penetration testing services help organizations determine if a cyber attacker can gain access to their critical assets while giving them detailed insights of the overall business impact of a cyber attack.

Three Benefits


Scenario-driven simulated attacks performed by our experts provide a realistic view of current security controls and response procedures


Our team helps you develop a stronger defense mechanism and improve the efficacy of incident response techniques


Derive maximum value from Breach Attack Simulation by identifying gaps in blue teamā€™s capabilities and security controls

Application Security Testing

Want to determine how vulnerable your proprietary applications are to cyber attacks?

Testing is an essential part of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). While hackers are increasingly sophisticated in how they exploit weaknesses in applicationsā€™ security, security testing becomes more and more critical as an integral part during the application development and before any release. Security and risk management leaders will need to meet tight deadlines and test more complex applications by accelerating efforts to seemingly integrate and automate Application Security Testing (AST) in the software life cycle.

ZettaOnlineā€™s AST services help organizations find critical defects and security weaknesses in their proprietary applications. It provides full path coverage, ensuring that every line of code and every potential execution path is tested. The services also provide highly accurate analysis, so developers donā€™t waste time on a large volume of false positives.

Three Benefits


Discover financial benefits with early vulnerability fixes


Elevate testing quality by prioritizing early examinations


Mitigate threats to sensitive info with AST for robust protection

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